PDF Modellistica Numerica per Problemi Differenziali UNITEXT Italian Edition Alfio Quarteroni 9788847057807 Books

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Modellistica Numerica per Problemi Differenziali UNITEXT Italian Edition Alfio Quarteroni 9788847057807 Books Reviews
- Written by one of the leading figures in the field of variational methods and numerical mathematics, this book is an invaluable reference for graduate students and researchers working in the field of Galerkin methods. It is written by a mathematician, with the formalism proper of a mathematician; it may thus appear somewhat cumbersome if the reader is seeking an applied insight of the finite element method. However, the inclined engineer/scientist/mathematician will find its formalism an important ingredient to deeply understand the theory behind the method, although built in a very understandable language.
The books covers different types of Galerkin schemes, with special attention to continuous finite elements, and a tiny bit on the finite volume and finite difference methods. It should be considered by those who are willing to make an intellectual effort to understanding the theory of finite elements, but should be avoided by those expecting a book that could help with their practical implementation --some implementation issues are introduced in the context of object-oriented programming, but it may not be enough for beginners. The new English edition of this text may be richer in this respect--