Ebook The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy 9781604592016 Books

In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.- Dr. Joseph Murphy
Ebook The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy 9781604592016 Books
"Over the years I have read this book over 10 times. I was just as excited today as I was back in 1975 when I first stumbled on this book.
In my journey on life's path these teachings have never changed even though I had, it has lifted me up again and again as I reread it at different phases of my life, through good times, tougher times and back on track to better times and I will be forever grateful!
No matter what your age or phase of life you are in now, it can always be better because that is what life is all about...growth!
So read it with an open mind as you will be blessed again and again as many have before you.
May your life become as beautiful, peaceful and Magical as you were meant to be! Thank you.😇"
Product details

Tags : The Power of Your Subconscious Mind [Joseph Murphy] on . In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships,Joseph Murphy,The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,Wilder Publications,160459201X,Channeling Mediumship,New Thought,Mental discipline,Subconsciousness,Advice on careers achieving success,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Inspiration Personal Growth,Body, Mind Spirit,Body, Mind Spirit / Channeling Mediumship,Body, Mind Spirit / New Thought,Inspiration Personal Growth,Mind, Body, Spirit,Mind, Body, Spirit thought practice,Mind, body, spirit disciplines techniques,Motivational Inspirational,New Age,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,SELF-HELP / Motivational Inspirational,Self-Help/Motivational Inspirational,Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy 9781604592016 Books Reviews :
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy 9781604592016 Books Reviews
(You've Been Warned)
First read it.
Second, this book, along with MANY books that I have read come down to two things.
1. Our subconscious does 90-95% of our daily thinking. It learns through deductive, hypnotic, trance-like states. (Like when one is running, driving, or watching TV and were completely absorbed in the process. Through REPETION in a DEDUCTIVE state, you gain the POWER to change your mind.
2. Our skill set, action, or behavior is +80% of success. (Anthony Robbins and MANY others).
SOLUTION Become completely absorbed in something you wish to become and develop the necessary skill set to execute your desires.
(Also Law of Vibration, Law of Attraction...yes it's all real.)
BUY this book, study it, apply it, and reap your greatness!
-) - Over the years I have read this book over 10 times. I was just as excited today as I was back in 1975 when I first stumbled on this book.
In my journey on life's path these teachings have never changed even though I had, it has lifted me up again and again as I reread it at different phases of my life, through good times, tougher times and back on track to better times and I will be forever grateful!
No matter what your age or phase of life you are in now, it can always be better because that is what life is all about...growth!
So read it with an open mind as you will be blessed again and again as many have before you.
May your life become as beautiful, peaceful and Magical as you were meant to be! Thank you.😇 - After reading about Cynthia Stafford's amazing lottery win and how she credited much of her success to Joseph Murphy's work, I decided to give this kindle book a try. The Power of the Subconscious Mind exceeded my expectations in many ways.
I've read a lot of LOA books, especially in the past couple of years...some good, some so-so, some just "get rich quick" schemes for the authors, or so it often seems. And when it comes to the older books on this topic, they often seem dated and not relevant for people living in today's world.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind is a winner, in all respects.
It IS extremely relevant, for anyone, at any stage in life.
It is NOT preachy, although it's obvious that the author did have strong religious beliefs, he doesn't "preach" or push a particular creed or religion at any time in this book.
His message is for everyone seeking an happy, healthier and more prosperous life. And who isn't?? ;-)
The practical advice in this book is easy to follow and powerful. Enjoyable, easy and not a chore!! A nice change from some other books on the topic I've read and gave up on.
I make it a point to re-read at least a couple of chapters, every day or two, as a good reminder and pick me up. I've had some excellent results already, following many of the suggestions in this book.
No, I haven't won 112 MILLION as Cynthia Stafford did, but I've had a lot of smaller wins so far, and not just when it comes to financial gains. As Murphy so wisely states in this book, money and prosperity ARE very important, but they are not the whole story when it comes to living a successful and happy life.
If you are debating about what LOA to buy, you won't be sorry you choose this one!
Geraldine Helen Hartman, author and top reviewer - This was an Awesome Read..Joseph Murphy did a great job of this book. I couldn't put it down. So much resonated with me. A few years ago, I'd read a book similar by Charles Fillmore and I couldn't bring any of the manifestations into my life,because of the negative thoughts and people and my own worrying and fear and I needed help in all areas of my life...that was 8 years ago...but I'll tell you,since reading this book, so much GOOD has come into my life.. I am truly finding out Who I really am and what I can do with all this POWER inside me to manifest all that I choose..OMG..so many good things has happened to me..and my life will never be the same and with all this LOVE in my heart I know I'll never be the same either...So I radiate peace,love, happiness,good health,joy and Good Will to all who read this book and please always Think on Things that's Lovely and GOOD.
- I came across this title while looking through older self-help titles. I have books like The Power of Positive Thinking, The Magic of Believing, The Secret, etc., and I was curious about this title by Joseph Murphy. All self-help books seem to be based on the same general principles of making a decision, see yourself achieving your goal or getting the thing you want, and then work like crazy to get it. Stay focused on the goal and don't force anything. The Universe will deliver.
This title has all that and some additional insights into belief, self-esteem, but it also explains why you might be failing at something because of wrong thinking, and how to correct it. I liked it very much. It was well-organized, and easy to read. I highly recommend it.