» Read Online The HighConflict Custody Battle Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce False Accusations and Parental Alienation eBook Amy J L Baker J Michael Bone Brian Ludmer
Sisca R. Bakara on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Read Online The HighConflict Custody Battle Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce False Accusations and Parental Alienation eBook Amy J L Baker J Michael Bone Brian Ludmer

Product details - File Size 1133 KB
- Print Length 241 pages
- Publisher New Harbinger Publications; 1 edition (November 1, 2014)
- Publication Date November 1, 2014
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

The HighConflict Custody Battle Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce False Accusations and Parental Alienation eBook Amy J L Baker J Michael Bone Brian Ludmer Reviews
- Invaluable advice. I was in a custody battle with my ex husband for nine years. Had a high priced lawyer and all, but got nowhere with the judge. This book helped me realize what proof the judge needed to make an informed custody decision. I now have full custody of my children and I owe it in part to this book. It finally helped me organize all my information and present it to the judge in a way she could understand. It also helped me realize that even thought I know my case through and through, the judge only knows what both parties present in the way of evidence because they have hundreds of cases. YOU need to present solid evidence and this book can help you do that. Good luck and remember, it is about the kids lives, not your wants!
- By far one of the best books we've found on how to deal with our custody situation. My husband has an ex who he was never married to and there have been some pretty substantial issues with visitation. We found this book to be very helpful and the lawyer we discussed it with found it was fantastic for helping us organize our information. We've had several friends start telling people about it as well. We've read a lot of books on the subject and this was by far the best!
- This book explains with great detail what parents do to alienate children from the other parent.
It helps understand what are they doing and why, so you can manage the conflict better, and does have some advise on countermeasures. - This should be given out to everyone at the law office when they are hiring a lawyer. I wish I had this from the start. I was given the information of this book from a support group I belong to.
- I only gave this 3 stars because I was hoping there would be more about preparing for trial, for testifying and dealing with the types of questions attorneys ask during cross examination.
- Much of this book is about parental alienation in a post divorce setting.
As a person just getting started, and trying to anticipate problems, this wasn’t as helpful. However I was able to glean some insights from the exercises provided. - Helpful read for parents who are alienated and need language to fight back without being alienating.
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